Green Lantern Corps #201 is a comic book issue that was published in 1986 by DC Comics. It is part of the Green Lantern Corps series that focuses on the adventures of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps.
In issue #201, the story is titled “Cold War.” Steve Englehart wrote the issue and the art is by Joe Staton and Mark Farmer. The issue is set during the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” event, a major crossover storyline in the DC Universe.
In this particular issue, the Green Lantern Corps is dealing with the aftermath of the Crisis, where many worlds and dimensions were destroyed. The story follows the Green Lanterns as they struggle to maintain order and deal with the challenges presented by the new post-Crisis universe.
This is the first appearance of Kilowog.
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Who is Kilowog? First Appearance in this Issue of Green Lantern Corps #201
Kilowog is a large, muscular alien from the planet Bolovax Vik in Sector 674. He serves as a drill sergeant and training instructor for new Green Lantern recruits. His role is to help train and prepare them for their duties as intergalactic protectors.
Kilowog is known for his gruff demeanor, but he has a compassionate side and is fiercely dedicated to the ideals of the Green Lantern Corps. He possesses great strength, resilience, and the ability to create energy constructs with his Green Lantern ring.
Kilowog has appeared in numerous comic book storylines, animated adaptations, and other media related to the Green Lantern franchise. He is generally depicted as a heroic ally to the Green Lanterns and a respected member of the Corps.